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Strategic Communication

Semester Blog

February 1st, 2022

          Hello everyone, and welcome to the blog. New here so work with me! As I wrap up my senior year and final semester here at NDSU, I feel as though there are some specific things that have helped me to be very successful here. One thing that has helped me all four years, is being very organized. This is something every college student needs to be successful. There are many ways to be successful in college, as organization can be one, time management is another very important one.

            One way I specifically stay organized is by using a planner, this has helped me greatly throughout college. At the beginning of year school year, I buy a planner that I can write my assignments out and on each day. This helps me to plan out my days and know what I have coming up within the next couple weeks. I start my organization right at the beginning of each semester by taking the syllabuses from each professor and writing down everything they have for that course to date. Also, as things change throughout the semester and professors’ email, I update my planner then. I found it also very helpful to get pens that erase. Not only are they cool, but when things change you can adjust your planner. This has been extremely helpful this year.

            As I have been mostly organized every year of college, I was not this way in high school. I really flew by the seat of my pants when I was in high school. This was simply because I was a three-sport athlete, and if I was not at school or practice, I was usually sleeping. As I entered college and my whole life changed and I knew I needed something to help me be organized I knew this was the best way to go. Everyone can be organized in their own ways and what might work best for them. Explore your options for your organizational skills there are many different ways and finding the best way for you.

March 4th, 2022

            In 2020 things really shut down, and fast. No one really knew what was going on in the world of COVID how to navigate life. As we navigated through this for about 2 years now it has changed everybody’s lives drastically. One thing that is very hard to deal with in the Interior design industry during COVID was having to provide examples of concept boards and not present them in person. This is very difficult because the images colors change, and what they might come across as to a client.

            I started my interior design internship one year into COVID, so I completed that in the summer of 2021. My internship was one of the best experiences of my life and has really prepared me for the real world, and what to expect on a day-to-day life within the design industry. I will be graduating this spring and even thinking back to spring of 2020 when everything changed and went online it has made life and school way harder.

            Everything changed to digital, and the harder the concept boards, color inspiration, the visuals all changed. I never thought that the visuals were the most important part but as things went digital, I think this has been one of the hardest concepts to adjust too. Visuals are not only important to designers and how they think, but also to the clients. They cannot always see what we see in the design industry or might not be able to think how we do in certain perspectives. As client can be very visual, they need to understand what they are getting and really want to see those projects progress in person and to understand every step of the way, along with having those physical samples. It not only helps the client, but it also helps the designer know what they chose and can really see and tell what it is in person. The visuals in the design world are one of the most important things we can provide to clients. Their perspectives and understandings matter to us.

April 15th, 2022

             As college is coming to an end, you must start thinking about the real world. I don’t want to think I am at this point in my life, but I am. College really has flown by, and I am not ready to be done quite yet. As the semester is really starting to wind down and finals are approaching quickly it is starting to scare me that I don’t have a job quite yet. Although I am looking for a job and getting an interview. It can be very nerve racking but whatever is supposed to be for you will work out in your favor. It will work out in the end.

            Many people look for jobs in the cities, or around the country. As you can apply anywhere you may want to go. I will be moving back home because this is where my family is and my boyfriend. I like where I live and since I loved where my internship, I got an interview back there. I find this very scary, but it does get easier as you hear that your friends are finding jobs and that is just the way life goes. As it may be easy for some people to talk to the interviewee’s can be nervous and even ruin the entire process for a person. I have found that the more you know yourself the better the interview may go.

            Every job you interview or search for can be difficult or might not be exactly what you are looking for. As you approach this go in with an open mind, be yourself and be comfortable where you are at with yourself. This can change the whole game of where you get a job and what you might do with your life. This is one of the biggest and most exciting things that could happen in your life and you could potentially land your dream job.

May 2nd, 2022

            The end of the school year is quickly approaching once again. It is very different this year and this semester is my last semester in college, maybe forever. These four years have been some of the fastest four years of my life. I thought high school went fast I think college may have gone even faster, or so it seems. As college was totally different than high school, I am so glad that I chose NDSU, the people I have met, the professor I have had, and of course the amazing resources that are offered here on campus. I have really reflected on my college career within the last couple weeks, and I am cherishing them even more than I thought it would have.

            As I have cherished, or you might even cherish you look at what has changed or impacted your life in the best ways. The people I have met or the friends I have made, and the memories I have and to hold onto forever. Your teachers will tell you good luck in the future and as they truly mean it you might not completely understand what they are saying in the moment. I know I didn’t until after my capstone presentation was completed and I was basically done with college and how my advisor impacted me so much. It takes a lot to live in each moment everyday as we are constantly looking at the future in our lives. But, when they say take it day by day, and live in those important and special moments they truly mean it and your life could be changed forever like mine. As you might be a senior in college or graduating very soon think about these things and how the people at NDSU have changed your life in positive ways and cherish these moments as they will wrap up take it all in, it will all be over soon.

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Assignments & Other work

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